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Privacy Cyber Defense
Anti Interception,
Anti Surveillance &
Anti Eavesdropping
Encryption Machines
Anomyous Meaning by DigitalBank Vault
Anonymity describes situations where the acting person's name is unknown.
Some writers have argued that namelessness, though technically correct,
does not capture what is more centrally at stake in contexts of digital anonymity.
The important idea here is that a person is non-identifiable, unreachable,
or untrackable while using their communication devices.
Digital Anonymity is seen as a technique or a way of realizing certain other values,
such as privacy and liberty over communications.
The DigitalBank Vault Encryption Machines
provide total privacy to its users.
Finally “anonymous” get a real meaning. How to become digitally anonymous?
Shop the DigitalBank Vault Encryption System
We need to define first what ‘anonymous’ means, especially in this digital era.
An important example of anonymity being not only protected,
but enforced by law is the vote in free elections.
In many other situations (like the conversation between strangers,
buying some product or service in a shop), anonymity is traditionally accepted as natural.
There are also various situations in which a person might choose to withhold their identity. Acts of charity have been performed anonymously when benefactors do not wish to be acknowledged.
A person who feels threatened might attempt to mitigate that threat through anonymity.
A witness to a crime might seek to avoid retribution, for example, by anonymously calling a crime tipline. Criminals might proceed anonymously to conceal their participation in a crime.
Anonymity may also be created unintentionally,
through the loss of identifying information due to the passage
of time or a destructive event.
All the above mentioned are different meanings for Anonymity,
but make no mistakes about it, by using your smartphones,
you gave up your anonymity, permanently.
The term "anonymous message" typically refers to a message that does not reveal its sender.
In many countries, anonymous letters are protected by law
and must be delivered as regular letters.
In mathematics, in reference to an arbitrary element
(e.g., a human, an object, a computer), within a well-defined set (called the "anonymity set"),
"anonymity" of that element refers to the property of that element of not being identifiable
within this set. If it is not identifiable, then the element is said to be "anonymous."
DigitalBank Vault provides technological solutions in order to let users become 100% anonymous over their confidential communications,
this includes voice and video messages, text messages,
emails, file transfers, and file storage.
When you are untraceable,
you usually become unhackable,
because its difficult to ‘locate’ you and target you.
Anonymous means for DigitalBank Vault also, that devices used
are not storing any data or information that can be extracted,
otherwise, your anonymity will be be ‘disclosed ‘.
So the definition of anonymous includes also the storage of data that the user may leave behind.
You can take all the precautions possible in order to become a digital ghost,
but if you use a device that is storing information, even if encrypted,
it can be accessed by advanced forensic tools and you will find yourself not ‘anonymous’ anymore.
Anonymity is perceived as a right by many, especially the anonymity in internet communications.
The partial right for anonymity is legally protected to various degrees in different jurisdictions.
The right of individuals for "anonymous communication" was established by the decision in case of Columbia Insurance Company v., et al. (1999) of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California: "People are permitted to interact pseudonymously and anonymously with each other so long as those acts are not in violation of the law".
The pressure on anonymous communication has grown substantially after the 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the subsequent new political climate. Although it is still difficult to oversee their exact implications, measures such as the US Patriot Act, the European Cybercrime Convention, and the European Union rules on data retention are only a few of the signs that the exercise of the right to the anonymous exchange of information is under substantial pressure.
The right to internet anonymity is also covered by European legislation that recognizes the fundamental right to data protection, freedom of expression, freedom of impression. The European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights recognizes in Article. 8 (Title II: “Freedoms”)the right of everyone to the protection of personal data concerning him. The right to privacy is now essentially the individual's right to have and to maintain control over information about him.
“Anonymous Online"
Definition by DigitalBank Vault.
DigitalBank Vault Encryption specializes in anonymous cyber defense solutions based on the anti-interception
of cellular and satellite
communication networks.
We offer tactical and strategic anti-surveillance systems, by providing
users with totally anonymous
communication systems.
For the enterprise, employee privacy and mitigates the risk of social engineering attacks, even blackmail. The more an attacker can learn about key people’s communication tools, within an organization, the more targeted and effective they can make their attacks.
Educating employees about how to protect their privacy and full anonymity, therefore, should be a core part of any security awareness program.
The universe believes in encryption, a wise man once opined, because it is astronomically easier to encrypt than it is to brute force decrypt.
The universe does not appear to believe in anonymity, however, as it requires significant work to remain anonymous. We are using privacy and anonymity interchangeably, and this is incorrect. An encrypted message may protect your privacy — because no one else can read it besides you and your recipient — but encryption does not protect the metadata,
and thus your anonymity.
This is the big difference between DigitalBank Encryption and all other forms of encryption.
Who you're talking to, when, for how long, how many messages, size of attachments, type of communication (text message? email? voice call? voice memo? video call?), all this information is not encrypted and is easily discoverable by sophisticated hackers with a mass surveillance apparatus, which is easy to obtain these days.
Now we live online, and things like geo-tracking of cell phones, facial recognition in public physical spaces, and so forth mean no amount of "online anonymity" will help you
if your meatspace self is not also anonymous, which is almost
impossible to achieve these days.
This is where DigitalBank Vault Technologies come into action.
Defining "Anonymous Online"
What about the metadata? Any network-level adversary can tell that you're using, for example,
the Signal application that you think it is totally secure, and if your adversary is the U.S.
or Five Eyes, then they have mass surveillance access to all Signal traffic and know
who is talking to whom, when, and for how long.
So, please make no mistakes about it, but all those secure communication apps you install on your smartphone are totally un-secure. The makers of Signal are well aware of these technical limitations and are researching ways to push the boundaries of what's possible. Metadata-resistant communication is an unsolved, cutting-edge technical research problem.
Do not rely on those encrypted communication apps for reaching strong anonymity.
What about TOR? Tor does not offer guaranteed, complete anonymity, even for web browsing, but it is the best thing we've got at the moment.
The Tor Browser should be your go-to the choice for mobile users.
VPNs are not anonymous. There is literally nothing anonymous about using a VPN.
No anonymity here. Did we mention VPNs don't offer anonymity?
Shop for The DigitalBank Vault Technologies
All a VPN does is move trust from your ISP or, if you're traveling, your local coffee shop or hotel or airport WiFi network to someone else's server.
There are many legitimate security reasons why using a VPN is a great idea,
but anonymity is not on that list. Anywhere. Not even at the bottom.
Unlike Tor, which bounces your traffic through three Tor nodes spread across the internet, making it very difficult, but not impossible, for an adversary to see what you're doing, a VPN simply shifts your traffic from your ISP (at home) or coffee shop WiFi (on the road) to the VPN's servers.
That means the VPN provider can see all your traffic.
That means that an adversary that gains control of the VPN's servers,
by hacking them or by serving the VPN provider with a court order, can also see all your traffic.
Google can read every email you send and receive.
Office 365 scans everything you write. DropBox opens and examines everything you upload. All three companies — among many others — are PRISM providers, per the Snowden documents, meaning they cooperate with mass surveillance programs.
If Google can see it, so can folks in Washington.
You have no privacy on any of these services.
Mobile apps, for both iOS and Android, tend to request way more permissions than they actually need and are frequently caught extracting personal details from users' phones and transmitting those details back to the app maker in highly inappropriate ways.
Does that random app really need access to your microphone? (What for? Is it going to record everything you say?) What about your location? (Why? Is it going to track your location?)
Your address book? (Does that app really need to know who all your friends are? What for?)
Neither Android nor iOS makes it especially easy to do so,
but dig through your settings and turn off unneeded
permissions with extreme prejudice.
If you value your privacy and anonymity,
get rid of your home assistant (Amazon Echo and Alexa, Google Home, etc.)
and your snitch-in-a-box (Amazon Ring) into the trash.
These always-on digital snoops are poisonous to privacy and anonymity,
and there is no meaningful way to make them less privacy-invasive.