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Encrochat dealer who supplied £10m of drugs including 'Jaguar' cocaine gets 12 years in jail

A MAN has been jailed for 12 years after he admitted using an EncroChat encrypted phone to supply more than £10 million worth of drugs.

Lee Dunn, 42, of Alexandra Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk, was arrested after police intercepted messages on the encrypted platform Encrochat. The messages showed him arranging deals of cocaine and cannabis during a six week period from March to June 2020.

Each deal saw kilograms of drugs handed over at a time. In total Dunn had a role in the supply of approximately 23 kilograms of cocaine, and almost 800 kilograms of cannabis. The drugs had a combined value of more than £10 million.

The investigation was part of Operation Venetic, the UK’s biggest ever law enforcement operation, which in spring 2020 saw data uncovered following the seizure of servers linked to the Encrochat platform – an encrypted tool used by large numbers of criminals to communicate with each other. This allowed investigators to view messages and other media sent between users as they discussed large-scale criminality such as the movement of drugs and weapons.



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