Whether you have $10 in your crypto wallet or $10 million, it’s crucial that you protect those funds from hackers and scammers. There’s no shortage of scammers trying to steal your crypto funds. Here are some tips that will help you protect your crypto today:
Create Strong And Complex Passwords
A good password is your first line of defense against scammers and hackers. Using strong, unique passwords on all your exchange and social media accounts is the best way to start safeguarding your accounts. Password creation strategies include:
Never use popular patterns and sequence in your passwords. Common numbers like ‘12345’ or common words like ‘password’ make the account more vulnerable to attacks.
Avoid using family names, birthdays, addresses and personal information in your password. A hacker can find this information online, then guess your password.
Dictionary words such as Mustang, monkey, password, and love, among others, are frequently among the top 50 most popular passwords used worldwide. Don’t use them.
Use unique passwords for all accounts. If one account or website is hacked, then the hacker won’t have access to all your accounts using that same password.
Avoid using repeated numbers, letters and patterns on the keyboard such as asdfg, aaa, 111 and qwerty.
Use capital letters and special characters to make your password even stronger.
Add spaces to your password to reduce the risk of being hacked.
Use misspelled words such as ‘My Pa$$word’. Hackers will use dictionaries of common words to break into accounts. If your password isn’t a word in the dictionary, then you have a huge advantage.
Use long passwords with unique characters consisting of uppercase, lowercase and special characters that are not easy to trace.
Share Crypto Details with Nobody
In a perfect world, nobody but you will know that you own cryptocurrencies. Share your crypto details with nobody – not even friends. If someone hears that, for example, you’re walking around with $1 million of bitcoin on your phone, then you’re instantly painting yourself as a target. Avoid sharing crypto details with anybody – whether it’s a colleague, a friend, or someone online. You might have a crypto password that’s 100% secure, but that security means nothing if someone is able to extract the information from you via blackmail, torture, or threats to your family.
Avoid Public Wi-Fi
Using a public Wi-Fi network can expose you to a ‘man in the middle’ attack. A hacker sets up a fake network in a public space, and all data passes through that hacker’s fake network. Using this strategy, a hacker can steal vital information you send online – including crypto login information and banking passwords, among other info. You can use your phone’s mobile network in public (like 4G and LTE), but avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi before performing crypto-related tasks.
Use LastPass for Password Storage
LastPass and other password managers use advanced encryption to securely store user passwords. It’s one of the best ways to store crypto passwords. Instead of storing passwords in an unsecured Word file on your own computer, you can trust LastPass to keep your information safe.