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Mobile Phones Anti surveillance: First rule is to lock your device

Writer's picture: The DigitalBank Vault The DigitalBank Vault

Sure, it's a lot easier to keep your phone unlocked all the time because you can get to your email, camera, texts, and other features more quickly, but just think how you would feel if a stranger found your phone on a bus seat or in a coffee shop and could just tap on your business apps, contacts, and even banking information.

If your phone contains client information, you could even end up in the embarrassing position of informing your clients that their data has been compromised, essentially due to negligence.  

To prevent that from happening, always engage the four- or six-digit passcode – or set up a longer alphanumeric code – so that if you ever lose track of your phone, it won't open your entire business to a stranger. Utilizing fingerprint scanning and facial identification is also an excellent option, as it's faster and easier than memorizing an unlock code.

Also, be sure to password-protect all mobile apps that contain personal data, such as banking, email and your Amazon account. Don't use the same password for all your accounts, and change your passwords occasionally for good measure.

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