One Time Pad Encryption
The unbreakable encryption method
With One Time Pad encryption, the key used for encoding the message is completely random and is as long as the message itself. That is why the only possible attack on such a cipher is a brute force attack.
Brute force attacks use exhaustive trial and error methods in order to find the key that has been used for encrypting the plain text. This means that every possible combination of key bits must be used to decrypt the ciphertext. The correct key would be the one that produces a meaningful plain text.
Unlimited computing power is useless Let’s assume an eavesdropper has intercepted a One Time Pad encrypted message and that he has unlimited computing power and time. A brute force attack would be very expensive for a plain text of a reasonable size. For example, typical e-mail messages are at least 200 bytes long, requiring the testing of 1.600 bits. Even if the eavesdropper is both willing and able to do this, the following paragraph will describe why unlimited computational power will not compromise the system.
Google the search term " One Time Pad Encryption" in order to learn more about it.
Attackers must try every possible key: Since all One Time Keys are equally likely and come from a completely unpredictable noise source that is provably random, the attacker has to test all possible key strings.
Impossible to guess the right plain text: If he used every possible key string to decrypt the ciphertext, all potential plain text strings with the same length as the original plain text data would appear. As illustrated on the left-hand side, most of these potential plain text strings would not make sense; however, every meaningful string the same length as the original plain text data would also appear as a potential plain text string. Without knowing the applied OTP, the eavesdropper has no way of finding out which meaningful string is the original plain text. Thus, trying all possible keys doesn’t help the attacker at all, since all possible plain texts are equally likely decryptions of the ciphertext.
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