OnePlus has recently launched its much-awaited OnePlus 7 Pro which is considered as one of the best smartphones of 2019 by many. Packing the latest Snapdragon processor, triple camera setup, UFS 3.0 and a 30W Warp Charging, the smartphone is a complete package but how safe is it?
Speaking of safety, a YouTuber has managed to hack the in-display fingerprint scanner of OnePlus 7 Pro within a few minutes. Going by the name Max Tech, this YouTuber deployed the classic print molding hacking technique to get past the fingerprint reader.
If you have bought the smartphone or you’re a potential buyer then I must tell you that OnePlus 7 Pro is not the first device to be hacked by this technique.Earlier, hackers have managed to hack fingerprint readers of smartphones like Samsung 10.
It doesn’t mean that the OnePlus 7 Pro has a faulty fingerprint scanner. The hacker demonstrated that it could be hacked but to get past the lock screen, he needed your fingerprint and physical access to the device.
How did he hack OnePlus 7 Pro’s fingerprint scanner?
Max Tech put a blob of hot-glue on a piece of tinfoil and took the impression of his finger on the glue. Next, he filled the tin foil up to the brim with white school glue and peeled it once it dried to get a fake fingerprint impression. This fake fingerprint impression was enough to fool the in-display fingerprint scanner of OnePlus 7 Pro, and he easily got past the lock screen.
However, this method did not work on Samsung S10’s ultrasonic in-display fingerprint scanner. To hack Samsung’s flagship, hackers used a 3D printed mold which is much more complicated than using tinfoil, white school glue, and hot glue.
You can watch the video to see how a tiny blob of hot glue bamboozled the OnePlus 7 Pro’s fingerprint reader.