Hacking, Database breaches, Ransomware, Spyware attacks, will only intensify and make no mistakes about it, no cyber security solution will prevent it entirely. Your most guarded secrets are in constant danger ⚠️ and whatever tools you will use, will not be enough to secure your data, in an absolute way.
The most important point to remember is one: there is not system out there that cannot be hacked. This is a fact. So the minimum you can do about it, is at least to prevent remote hacking and this you can do only in one way: being offline, using what is called 'air gapped' systems.
The offline and without servers approach is indeed a first basic step to prevent the hacking of data and communications, but this is not enough.
The second element is Encryption, all data should be left always encrypted, no matter if online or offline. Encryption is a must because being offline is not enough. Please take into serious considerations that also fully air gapped devices may be physically hacked, stolen, seized or lost.
A third element are the Encryption Keys 🔐: where are they stored, how they are generated and managed, how they are exchanged with communicating parties.
We invite to you to visit our website and learn about the DigitalBank Vault SuperEncryption Systems : https://www.digitalbankvault.com/
More information? https://www.digitalbankvault.com/the-digitalbank-vault-encryption