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#Encrochat: Client behind Eindhoven flat where 12.5 million cash was stored, going to jail

Justice wants a 35-year-old man from Veghel to go to jail for 7 years and pay a fine of 50,000 euros for large-scale cocaine trafficking and money laundering. The Public Prosecution Service sees him as the client behind the storage flat in Eindhoven where in 2020 there was 12.5 million euros in cash.

On May 1, 2020, the detectives found 12.5 million euros in a hidden space in an apartment on Paradijslaan. Piles of cash were packed in crammed shopping bags.Agents confiscated an Encrochat phone from the stock guard. That led to the clients behind the operation, including the man from Veghel who was in court today.

De Veghelaar lived alternately in the Spanish Málaga and in Morocco. He was arrested on March 27, 2021 in Málaga via a European arrest warrant. He was on his way to Morocco. He’s been stuck ever since.

The prosecutor spoke in court on Monday of ‘a golden find’: “Thanks to the Encrochat data, we not only got a view of this stash, the money and the guard of that stash, but also the criminal organization behind it and the accounting that comes with it.”

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) thinks the man was involved in the import and trade in coke. The money with which the car and the man’s salary were paid, according to the Public Prosecution Service, come from the Eindhoven stash of millions.

In addition, the Public Prosecution Service suspects him of participating in a professional criminal organization. According to justice, the organization consisted of couriers, a security guard, a stash builder and a real estate man. De Veghelaar operated entirely from Morocco and Spain. He directed his people from a distance.

Two firearms were also found in the stash house. The public prosecutor called the investigation on Monday “a textbook example of the connection between money laundering, drug trafficking and other subversive crime.”

The man was sentenced in 2017 to 4 years in prison for drug trafficking and money laundering. He was still on probation until June 2020. The public prosecutor: “That makes it extra bad.” The court will rule on September 6. Other participants from the criminal organization will be prosecuted separately.



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